Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tiresome days with the kids....

I know that every mother reading this right now will now exactly what I mean by the title on my post. Some days are just tough... I have great, imaginative children but the playing and the cooking and the laundry and the cleaning wear me out at times. I know that motherhood is not for the faint of heart but some days I cannot wait for that magical time of 7:45 when both kids are snug in their beds, sleeping away! It is not that I have anything pressing to do that I cannot do with them around. It is just the stillness that I desire at the end of a long day. I just want to lie down and bask in the quiet. If you have kids, you know that feeling I am talking about. The feeling that a good days work is over and time to recharge for the adventure of tomorrow.

I found a quote on Lyn's FB the other day that has resonated with me. George Bush recited this statement upon returning to Texas after the inauguration: "The days are long but the years are short." I pondered on how often I cannot wait for the day to end so I can enjoy the stillness but it will be very still in this household sooner than I know. My precious children are only really "mine" for 18 years. With today's society, I am sure that I will have done most of what I can do for them in 15 years. When I think about the average lifespan of a woman, I realize that I only have about 25% of my life to have this household of dirty dishes and mismatched socks and strewn headbands and rumpled blankets. Oh, how I will miss the constant chattering and sloppy kisses and bedtime prayers! My days are long.... but the years are truly short. I pray that I will remember that everytime I wish my long days away.....

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