Thursday, February 26, 2009

Almost 6 year olds are funny creatures...

Ava and her friend, Regan, were in my car yesterday on the way to church. They take Gymnastics together on Wednesdays so her mom and I swap taking them home and then to church. Their conversation went a little something like this:

Ava "Mom, can I cut on the light to see my Skittles"

Mom "yes, but remember to cut it off. we don't want to leave it on."

Ava (to Regan) "we always have to cut off the light in the car because we don't want the battery to run out"

Regan "what"

Ava "this is a funny story. when we went to Disney World last year, I think it was last year but I don't know, it could have been this year...... ANYWAY, I cut on the light to see something and we left it on for like 20 hours or something. I mean, it was on for five nights, really, it was..."

Regan "really?"

Ava "yeah, my daddy was really mad because we thought the car wasn't going to start. you have be really careful with the lights in cars"

Regan "oh, I left my light on in my room"

Ava "I think it is just cars that you have to worry about...."

I love being a parent because these kids are so darn funny!!

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