Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where does the time go?

I know that I am not being the most faithful blogger these days so please forgive me! I am running on empty these days...laundry gets piled up, house is not very clean, 5 baby gifts need to be mailed....you know this could go on and on! I am up at 3 a.m. writing this blog post when I need to be catching up on my beauty rest but sickness has overcome the past few days and my clock is "off".

My mind is running in a million directions but I am trying to remind myself that I have so much to be thankful for in my busy life. My kids are healthy, my hubby has a job, I have a job with great flexibility, we live in a warm house and have plenty of food to eat! Our schedule is full but I feel that we have smatterings of "down" time as well to spend with the kids.

The house has not sold but God may have a different idea for the Albrights. We are faithfully waiting on HIS time, not ours.

I am adding some photos of Miss Ava with her Upward Cheerleading squad (which she LOVES!) and with Griffin & my nephew, Abe (who thinks his Aunt Kate is a Rock Star!). You can tell from the cheer photos that Daddy and Griffin pet dogs at the football games instead of watching the actual game :)

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