Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What a week!

I know that I haven't posted in several days but it has been a whirlwind of activity! After our Bargain Carousel preview party on Saturday, I turned 31 on Sunday, April 13. It was a very weird birthday since I was not with my mom (first time ever on my b-day!) and I had some things weighing heavy on my mind. The day of April 14 could not come quick enough!! My sister's twins turned 4 on that day so it was very uplifting to me to celebrate for them. After the long week, we headed to Athens for the birthday party luau! Hogan and Hendon were precious and we had a great celebration for them. Great job, Claire!! Saturday we watched Grayson play baseball where he had some super hits and carried on my family tradition of playing catcher. Go A's! We shopped around Athens and hit the Athena league party on Saturday night. Sunday, we were so tired but Chris, Ava & I cleaned out the garage while Griffin napped. Now I am getting ready for the actual BC this weekend but first I have a job interview tomorrow- everybody say a prayer, please.......

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