Friday, October 23, 2009

World Vision

I have been thinking alot lately about how blessed we are to live in the house we have, drive the cars we drive, and send our kids to the school of our choice. I wonder about the children who would benefit from our leftovers after dinner and would give anything to wear that outfit that Ava rejects as being "baby-ish".

The Lord has really been prompting me to give until it hurts to someone else. As I was driving to work last week, I listened to Rick and Bubba talk about World Vision and how to sponser a child so they may have food, clothes, medicine and a chance at a decent education. A light went off in my head! This is just the charity for our family! So I came home, logged on and signed up :)

I chose two children from Honduras, William and Yesy. William is a boy and was born on December 27, 2006- the same day as Griffin! Yesy is a girl and was born on March 7, 2003- the same day as Ava! What a providential God we serve that our family will be able to assist two children the same age and developmental stage as our biological children.

Ava and Griffin have really enjoyed talking about what we are doing to help William and Yesy and have remembered them in their prayers every night. Griffin says that William is his best friend! He also pronounces Yesy as "Wesy". Ava is very curious about where they live and what they do during the day. It has been a great teaching opportunity for her.

I want to encourage you to open your hearts and your wallets to charitable organizations. If you have the time to get out there and volunteer, do! It will feed your soul in ways you could never imagine...

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