Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Grayson's baptism

John Grayson Jones (our nephew- son of Claire & Darrell) participated in the ordinance of Believer's Baptism on Sunday, March 15. I believe that Grayson, age 8, has been feeling the Holy Spirit tug at his heartstrings for several months now. The two of us have talked about it several times over the past year and I feel like Grayson is fully committed in his walk with Christ. I am so proud of the young man he is becoming and am ready for great things to come from his little life.

Grayson and I have always had a special relationship because I was in graduate school when he was born. I made a point of spending most school holidays and any time I could squeeze in coming to see him and helping Claire and Darrell catch up on sleep.

The Jones family is Methodist so they have the whole sprinkle versus dunk issue. Because of that, Claire & Darrell still wanted him to be dunked and decided to have it done in Roanoke at Grammy & Poppa's Baptist church. Plans were moving right along so he could have it there during the first weekend of Spring Break, however, word came down the pipe that Bro. Jeff had to be at a revival that weekend and would be unable to baptize Grayson. After some thought and prayer, Poppa stepped forward and said that he wanted to baptize his first grandchild. According to the tenets of the Baptist faith, a deacon is also allowed to perform this ordinance of the faith.

It was a very special morning as Poppa and Grayson prepared for the baptismal service. I have rarely seen my Dad so moved by an event. Grayson holds a very big piece of my Daddy's heart so it was moving to us all. The introduction that he made from the baptismal pool was very heartfelt and sincere. Becoming a man or woman of God is the greatest decision any person can make; holding God's heart in your own is indescribable....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Awww...How precious that your dad was able to baptize his grandson! I know his heart must have been filled with such pride and joy!