Saturday, February 7, 2009

25 things about me

I did the 25 things about me post on my Facebook account and I thought I would share it here too~ Just some good clean fun on FB!

1. I am washed in the blood and saved by grace
2. I have been married to Chris for almost 10 years. We have a relationship that is imperfect but perfect for us. He is the only person who truly "gets" me.
3. I will be spending my 10th anniversary this year with Chris on a dream vacation to Antigua!
4. I am a counselor who sometimes needs counseling!
5. I have two wonderfully different but equally amazing children~
6. I love my kids at school even though most are heading down a path that truly frightens me...
7. I know all of my faults better than anyone else. I own my issues.
8. I despise foul language! Don't use it around me!
9. I love the line on Lori's FB: a cup of coffee to start my day and a glass of wine to end it!
10. I am obsessed with photos. I love to have my kids photos taken and love to get all the photo christmas cards every year.
11. It annoys me that everyone sends me Christmas cards with photos of their kids but not of them. I want to see my friends with their kids!!
12. I have a blog but wish I had more time to write on it.
13. I have been all over the world but have never been to Mississippi.
14. I am a Baptist more by default than desire.... I think of myself as a BaptoPresbyterian...
15. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
16. My favorite place is Disney (is anyone surprised??)
17. I am a Daddy's girl and love to visit with him alone with a cup of coffee and a good political debate!
18. My childhood dream was to be a television anchor who traveled the globe but I switched my major after meeting Chris because I wanted to be a mother to his children and not on the road all the time.
19. I get very sad when I think about friendships that have gone by the wayside...
20. I am obsessed with reality tv (Idol, Bachelor, Real Housewives, Wife Swap, etc....) and love my new DVR!!
21. My family bought a marina last year and I am learning all about being a small business, anyone??
22. I love to color my hair, get my nails done, wear pink and get in the tanning bed during the spring..... I am so pathetic!!
23. I always dream of getting my Ph.D.... my mom really wants me to go for the gusto but with two kids, I am just too tired...
24. I want a tatoo and really wish Maria had taken me with her during our Sophomore year at Samford!!
25. I try to live practically while remembering that you can't take anything with you when you die....

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